Bouassa is a small village on the outskirts of Ouagadougou, accessible only by dirt roads. It is in this village, outside the capital of Burkina Faso that Seraphin Guigma is responsible of a small evangelical community, which used to be his father’s, the old Gustave, who now devotes his life to prayer.
Bouassa is a very poor village without electricity or running water and many families have to fetch water daily from wells located several miles from their homes, these existing village wells do not satisfy the needs of the local population.

Here is the little church in Bouassa, where we will plant fruit trees and where the water wall will be drilled.
Seraphin’s heart is not only to address this critical problem in Africa, but also to allow these children, in the village, approximately 150, to have the opportunity to take daily showers and brush their teeth regularly. Some community members would help these children learn basic hygiene. Balanced meals will be served daily. Most of these children have families, but many of them are too poor to care for their children.
At the same time, Seraphin would like to plant fruit trees on the grounds of the church. Fruit production would be used to serve the local residents and the children in particular.
Seraphin’s vision is to make this little piece of land, an oasis for some two hundred families and one hundred and fifty children involved in this project. A fence will be built around the field to protect the young trees from goats and sheep. The well will be under the supervision of a guardian and every family that would collect water will pay a small fee for maintenance and allow minor repairs. This activity will be entirely managed by the youth in the community as well as Seraphin.