Every day in rural communities and poor urban centers throughout Africa, hundreds of millions of people suffer from a lack of access to clean, safe water.  Children especially carry the burden of walking miles at a time to gather water from streams and ponds – full of water-borne disease that is making them and their families sick.



Sickness from drinking dirty water and the time lost getting it, steals entire communities of their futures.

Hope is put on hold in over half of the developing world’s primary schools without access to water and sanitation.

Access to Clean Water Improves:

Health :
Safe water, clean hands, healthy bodies. Time lost to sickness is reduced and people can get back to the work of lifting themselves out of poverty.


Access to water leads to food security. With less crop loss, hunger is reduced. Schools can feed students with gardens, reducing costs.


When students are freed from gathering water, they return to class. With proper and safe latrines, girls stay in school through their teenage years.


Access to water can break the cycle of poverty. The communities we serve are ready to grow. We can’t wait to see how they choose to do it.


We believe people, not water, can change everything! When you sponsor Well Drilling Project in Burkina Faso, Africa you’ll unlock the potential of an entire community!