P1000269Within days of getting back from Burkina and our visits to Bouassa, we were invited by the City of Paris to present our project to a group of 6 people who will be responsible to defend our financing request before the city council.

We were invited to this meeting because we successfully went over the first hurdle and PHASE 2 of the Bouassa project was selected among many others! This is already a real encouragement. To prepare for the meeting, we had to answer many questions and provide a new fifteen page application. Then, during the meeting in Paris, which lasted just over an hour, we were questioned on many aspects. Ultimately, I think we did well and we even presented them with a beautiful Bouassa calendar. Etienne did say that this gift was in no way an “official bribe”!


Now we wait… The decision will be taken on May 4. Normally the decision will be communicated soon after.. we will see…

Until then, we keep looking and in the meantime, I think we might return to Bouassa to continue to improve the working relationships with the people, the chiefdom and with the town hall when the municipal team will be elected.


We still believe…


We believe people, not water, can change everything! When you sponsor Well Drilling Project in Burkina Faso, Africa you’ll unlock the potential of an entire community! #Burkina

