

News from Bouassa! Community Involvement!

At Kougpélin, in the neighborhood of the village of Bouassa where the Hand Pump was set up, the population is getting even more involved. It is amazing how water brings life! In the Protestant parish of the village square, where the project started, meetings were held, bringing together the youth, women and anyone that wanted [...]

The Rainy Season

It’s moving in and knocking on Bouassa’s door... and it’s a good thing for the inhabitants of the neighborhood of Kougpélin. It's hot and humid, the atmosphere is full of an invisible energy, the animals are restless, the dogs growl and the birds fly low. On the horizon, the sky is dark, huge gray-blue clouds [...]

A Holistic Approach

A Holistic Approach Last week we reminded you of the different aspects of Bouassa project. As we have already mentioned, our project meets the guidelines of the city’s “Community Development Plan” for Water and Sanitation created by the Government of Burkina Faso, which is also a signatory for these vital aspects within the Millennium Development [...]


I have to admit, we are getting rather anxious! On May 4th the Municipal Council of the City of Paris will decide if they will finance the Water-Tower and Latrine project in Bouassa!  Gearing up to their decision, the City of Paris has been in constant contact with us to add things to our application [...]

the Second Phase

Hello Everyone! Thanks so much for the interest you have been showing toward the Bouassa Project! The project means so much to all of us! Now that Phase 1 is up and running, the Second Phase of the project really allows us to put in place the various aspects that make this project Sustainable… Building [...]

The Extreme Heat in the Summer

The Extreme Heat in the Summer The hot season has settled in on Bouassa, for several weeks now. The desert wind stopped blowing, and with it the cool of the morning. The air vibrates as if the earth was burning up and yet the line is already long at the water pump in the Kougpélin district. [...]

How will you celebrate World Water Day this year?

Every year on March 22, we celebrate World Water Day and remember those who still do not have access to safe drinking water. Sponsored by the United Nations, World Water Day is an internationally recognized occasion to focus attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. On World Water Day, [...]

Why do we still need you?

Even if we firmly hope that Phase 2 of the Bouassa project will be fully funded by the foundations where we have submitted applications, it is still true that we need your help! Indeed, we need the small amounts of money that are mobilized through individual donations to enable us to move forward with the [...]

Bouassa – Paris

Within days of getting back from Burkina and our visits to Bouassa, we were invited by the City of Paris to present our project to a group of 6 people who will be responsible to defend our financing request before the city council. We were invited to this meeting because we successfully went over the first [...]

Water containers, jugs and cans!

They line up at dawn, stoic, like good soldiers, some attached to each other, others messy and a little banged up, however all have tremendous discipline to hold the water of the day. They are yellow, orange or even green and all from Bouassa...   This is how things happen in the village. Early in [...]